Manage positions
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To access the "Manage Position" section, you can either click on the name of the token you wish to manage directly from Homepage or go to Manage Position.
In this view, you’ll find detailed information about your position. The following data is displayed:
MC (Market Cap): Shows the current market capitalization of the token.
LIQ (Liquidity): Displays the current liquidity available for the token.
Balance: The amount of the selected token you currently hold, e.g., 37 MYRO.
Invested: Shows the total amount invested in both the native token (e.g., SOL) and in USD.
Sold: Displays how much you’ve sold, also shown in both the native token and in USD.
Holdings: The value of your current position, presented in both the native token and in USD.
Additionally, you’ll see:
USD PNL: Your profit and loss (PNL) in both percentage and USD.
SOL PNL: Profit and loss in the native token (e.g., SOL), shown in absolute terms and percentage.